Professional Digital Photography and Fine Art from

Snake Pictures from Mystic Skies!


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Snake Pictures

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Snake Pictures
















The Artist's Comments:

"Snake pictures should be scary as well as exciting so that's what I've tried to capture here. Their even appearance tries to draw you away but just draws you in closer. Some of them make really nice models but others are so hard to sit still. Haha. I'll try and get a lot more snake pictures on the way! I just have to go on a few more safaris out into the lone wilderness. Ha! Not likely. If you'd really like to try to get some pictures of snakes come see the place where I got most of these beautiful pictures."


"They have a wide variety of rare and beautiful snakes and exotic pets to purchase!  You can also go right into the store and see these attractive creatures in Daytona Beach, FL.  I admit it might be difficult to get a picture of an Albino Monocle Cobra, but this pet shop is a must see! I've worked very hard to make this site an enjoyable experience. Hope you enjoy your stay here at Mystic Skies!"




The Artist



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